Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Build It and They Will Come..."

Yesterday, I attended a professional development session at UHCL. Four school librarians shared programming strategies for k-12 libraries. All of the presenters were knowledgeable, entertaining, and informative. One could tell that they all love their jobs. I was able to walk away with new ideas and a revival of old ones for my own school library. Of course, of special interest to me was the high school component presented by HISD's own librarian from Westbury HS, Steve Perez. In 2010-2011, I shall continue Steve's suggestion of more Barnes & Noble like displays and the no fine/"let's make a deal" practices for the Hazel Hainsworth Young/ Yates HS library.

Yesterday's visit was also a nice opportunity to see former instructors and classmates. I am proud to be a graduate of UHCL's School Library and Information Science.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I also attended this PD session. As an aspiring librarian, I found the speakers very interesting and the ideas they shared were innovative, yet realistic. Unfortunately, I was unable to stay for the last speaker because of my 3 YA lit class but I have to say that the Middle School speaker (7th & 8th grade campus) was most entertaining. Thumbs up to those who had a hand in selecting the presenters and planning such a delightful session!